PCB Substrates High Tg vs Low Tg

January 18, 2022

PCB Substrates High Tg vs Low Tg

Explained in Layman Terms

If you're looking into PCB substrates, you'll come across the term Tg (Glass Transition Temperature). The Tg rating of a printed circuit board affects its ability to withstand high temperatures without causing damage to the board or the components. A PCB with a higher Tg has a higher heat resistance, making it more durable than a low Tg PCB as it can handle higher temperatures.

Here's a straightforward comparison of the two:

Low Tg PCB Substrates

PCB substrates with a Tg rating of fewer than 130°C are considered Low Tg PCB substrates. These substrates are popular in the production of PCBs used for consumer electronics as they have a lower resistance to heat, making them easier to process during production.

Low Tg PCBs also have a lower risk of delamination (separation of the different layers of the board), reducing the possibility of creating internal cracks, which can weaken the board's integrity. However, Low Tg PCB substrates are not intended for high-temperature applications, which limits their use where temperature resistance is required.

High Tg PCB Substrates

PCB substrates with a Tg rating of 170°C or higher are considered High Tg PCB substrates. This type of substrate is suitable for applications that require higher heat resistance, such as automotive or industrial machinery.

High Tg PCB substrates have a greater resistance to higher operating temperatures, resulting in a longer service life. This type of PCB substrate material has improved thermal performance, retaining its mechanical and electrical characteristics even at high temperatures.

How does the Tg rating of PCB substrates affect your product's manufacturing process?

Low Tg PCB substrates are easier to fabricate and offer effortless processing, so they're ideal for producing complex boards with multiple layers. High Tg PCB substrates, on the other hand, require a more laborious and precise manufacturing process, which results in higher production costs.

When producing a printed circuit board, you have to consider if the board will be exposed to high temperatures during its useful life. If the board will experience high temperatures, it’s best to use High Tg PCB substrates.

If you are producing consumer electronic products with normal temperatures, Low Tg PCB substrates may be a better option due to their cost-effectiveness and simpler production process.


High Tg PCB substrates and Low Tg PCB substrates each have specific uses and strengths. When choosing a PCB substrate, consider your product's expected application, environment, and temperature requirements carefully.

Remember, selecting the right PCB substrate material will affect your product's overall performance and service life.


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